
分體式全自動CIP系統 Split type full-auto CIP cleaning system
?全自動CIP清洗時指設備(罐體、管道、泵、閥門等)及整個生產線在無需人工拆開的前提下,在閉合的回路中進行循環清洗。 The operating principle of the full auto CIP cleaning system means that the tank body,pipelines,pumps and all valves and also the whole processing line are cleaned on line no need to disconnect the pipes or the equipments,all cleanings are
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分體式半自動CIP系統Split type semi-auto CIP cleaning system
本優機械分體式半自動CIP系統清洗液的加熱為自動加熱方式,通過溫度控制儀設定清洗溫度,控制蒸汽調節閥的開啟量來限制蒸汽的量從而使清洗液維持在所需的溫度;The heating way for the cleaning liquid is auto-heating.The operating principle:set the cleaning temperaturethrough the temperature controller to control the steam control valve's opening frequency to limit the steam amount
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小型聯體式CIP系統 Small conjunct type CIP cleaning system
本系統可單獨進行酸洗、堿洗、熱水沖洗等工序,也可根據需要編制特定的清洗程序進行全自動的清洗;不僅能有效的將設備清洗趕緊,而且還能控制微生物生長;同時可根據客戶要求配置半自動和全自動控制系統。The system can perform the acid cleaning,alkali cleaning and hot water cleaning separately.And also the system can draw up the special full-auto cleaning program according to the request.It can not only al
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